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3 x 60x250mg NMN Capsules


NMN is a naturally occurring element found in some plants and is a metabolic of Vitamin B3.

It is the most direct and powerful NAD+ precursor supplement that boosts NAD+ levels.  NAD helps maintain healthy mitochondrial function – an important component of healthy human aging.   It is vital for every living cell in the human body including immune system function.

Harvard Medical scientists use NMN to reverse aspects of aging in old mice and ignited excitement in NAD+ Anti-Aging research fields.

Studies in mice suggest NMN may promote a healthy vascular system (Heart and veins), metabolism, energy production, Eyes, Brain, Bone, Immune-function, blood flow and muscle performance, stamina, endurance.

NMN is the most efficient and effective way to boost NAD+ levels.

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Worldwide research over the past few years have shown a relation between falling NAD levels and age-related decline in health and wellness.  NMN is the precursor for the production of NAD+.  NAD levels are critical in promoting good health, wellness, DNA repair, energy levels, and a healthy immune system.

NMN is a Vitamin B3 metabolite which our bodies produce and is found in small quantities in some fruits and vegetables.  NMN boosts our NAD+ levels which promotes the healthy functioning our Sirtuins (Longevity Genes) and stimulates DNA repair leading to healthier aging.

The ground-breaking paper published by Dr Sinclair found that supplementation with Nicotinamide MonoNucleotide (NMN), the immediate precursor to NAD+, could boosts NAD+ levels in mice and resulted in the “equivalent of a human 60 year old becoming more like a 20 year old”.

More importantly, their research revealed that mitochondrial dysfunction is “reversible” with supplementation to boost NAD+. 

Examining muscle from two-year-old mice that had been given the NAD-producing compound for just one week, the researchers looked for indicators of insulin resistance, inflammation and muscle wasting.  In all three instances, tissue from the mice resembled that of six-month-old mice.  In human years, this would be like a 60-year-old converting to a 20-year-old in these specific areas.  

Why is NAD+ Important?

NAD+ is required not only for life but for a long life.   It is a molecule found in every cell in the body.   NAD is essential for the functions that enable the body to sustain life.  Without NAD we cannot survive.

NAD+ levels decline as we age.   NAD+ has many important roles for health, including stimulating anti-aging activities of Sirtuins and the DNA damage repair enzymes.

NAD Levels Decline As We Age

Research has shown a clear link between falling NAD levels and aging.  The rate of decline accelerates when we reach our mid/late 30s and continues to fall beyond our body’s natural ability to replenish NAD and maintain an adequate supply.   NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) is a direct NAD+ precursor that helps to replenish NAD+ levels.

Why do we need NAD?

There are three fundamental functions that require NAD+ which are critical for the normal operation of all living cells.

  1. NAD+ is responsible for the production of ATP, the chemical energy necessary to sustain life.  (NAD+ is used to power our metabolism, by enabling the mitochondria to convert the food we eat into the energy our body needs to sustain all its functions).
  2. SIRTUINS need NAD+ to function and “turn off” genes implicated in accelerating the aging processes.
  3. NAD+ is used to repair of broken DNA strands.   This maintains the integrity of the genetic code by protecting against various mutations of which cancerous growth is just one.

What causes NAD+ levels to fall?

NAD levels decline over time because NAD+ is consumed by our cells to produce energy, by Sirtuins and PARPS in DNA-Repair and by another enzyme (CD38) for calcium balancing and immune function response.

Inflammatory cytokines released by the immune system causes the production of CD38.  The problem is further exacerbated, at least in theory by senescent cells, cells that can no longer divide but increasingly causes the release of even more inflammatory cytokines and more CD38 expression.

As we age, more NAD gets consumed than the ability to replenish the supply, leading to the over-all decline that is experienced with aging.

NAD+ and Sirtuins

NAD activates sirtuins.  Sirtuins have been implicated in influencing a wide range of cellular processes like aging, transcription, apoptosis, inflammation and stress resistance, as well as energy efficiency and alertness during low-calorie situations.  Sirtuins also control circadian clocks and mitochondrial biogenesis.

There are seven different sirtuins, named SIRT1 through to SIRT7.  Of which SIRT1, SIRT6 and SIRT7 proteins are employed in DNA repair and aging.   Sirtuins keep mitochondria cells healthy and boost the number of mitochondria.  Sirtuins need to be active to work.

Research revealed that mitochondrial dysfunction is “reversible” with supplementation to boost NAD+.

It is now evident that maintaining the NAD pool, at a youthful level, is vital for promoting good health and wellness and a healthy Immune System, especially as we age.

Reference links

NMN is the immediate precursor to NAD+.

Leading research demonstrates that NMN may restore cellular metabolism, and have profound anti-aging effects.  Occurring naturally in the body and in some foods, NMN (Nicotinamide mononucleotide) is critical for the conversion of nutrients into energy.

Daily supplementation with NMN, could improve energy levels, endurance, protection from the aging process, and decreased risk of cardiovascular complications.

NMN is a cofactor in redox reactions, a process critical to metabolic function in the formation of ATP the high-energy supplying molecule.  NMN contains a Sirtuin activating compound which promotes metabolic precision, DNA repair and longevity.

Supplementing with these NAD intermediates has shown preventive and therapeutic effects, ameliorating (improving) age-associated pathophysiologies and disease conditions.  NMN is the most efficient and effective way to boost NAD+ levels.

NMN increases NAD+ and Sirt1 dramatically in organs

From a 2017 study, the charts on the left show with NMN supplementation for 4 days there were significantly elevated NAD+ and SIRT1 levels, which protected the mice from Kidney damage.

NAD+ and SIRT1 levels were HIGHER in OLD Mice than in YOUNG Mice that did not receive NMN.

CD38 Dictates Age-Related NAD Decline and Mitochondrial Dysfunction through an SIRT3 Dependent Mechanism (2016)

Why do NAD levels decrease with age?  Research in 2016 reveals that increased expression of the NADase CD38 is responsible for NAD decline and mitochondrial dysfunction in older mice in an SIRT3-dependent manner.

The research demonstrated that expression and activity of the NADase CD38 increase with aging and that CD38 is required for the age related (make better) NAD decline and mitochondrial dysfunction via a pathway mediated at least in part by regulation of SIRT3 activity.

Nmn Energetic 60 Caps V2

Nmn Energetic 60 Caps V2


These health improvements include:-


  1. Treatment of old mice with NMN reversed all of these biochemical aspects of aging.
  2. After just one week, researchers examined the tissue of the 2 year old mice and found that it closely resembled the tissue of six month old mice.  Researchers concluded that “this would be like a 60-year-old converting to a 20-year-old.”
  3. The cells of old mice were indistinguishable from young mice after just one week of treatment.

Repairs DNA

  1. Increases NAD+ and Sirtuin levels, which are a key molecules needed for DNA repair.
  2. Supplementation with NMN was able to repair the DNA in cells damaged by radiation (NASA conducting more research).
  3. Raising NAD+ levels in old mice restores mitochondrial function to that of a young mouse.
  4. NMN treated mice showed better immune function.  Better functioning of the immune system means less infections and less cancer.

Improve Brain Function

  1. NMN treatment reduces brain cell death and oxidative stress.  These results further support the neuroprotection by NMN/NAD+.
  2. A recent study indicates that NMN could restore cognition in Alzheimer Disease in rats.
  3. NMN Treatment rescues (improves) cognitive impairments.
  4. Replenishment of NAD+ has been shown to protect against brain disorders such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and ischemic stroke.

Heart & Vascular System

  1. Scientists have reversed vascular atrophy, restored vessel growth in mice with NMN.
  2. Remarkably, NMN administered to mice restores cardiac function to near-normal levels.
  3. NMN treatment significantly reduced brain edema, brain cell death, oxidative stress, neuroinflammation and myocardial inflammation.
  4. Neovascularization (growth of new blood vessels) is as important as mitochondria for rejuvenating muscle.
  5. Researchers found that NMN also dropped cholesterol and triglyceride levels.  However, this drop was primarily seen in those mice on high-dose NMN.

Muscle, Endurance & Weight

  1. Mice given NMN were much more energetic and had better energy production from their mitochondria.
  2. Research found mice fed low-dose NMN lost 4% of their body weight.  Those fed high-dose NMN lost 9% of their body weight.  Even more remarkable was that even though the mice on NMN ate much more, they still lost weight!
  3. NMN suppresses age-associated body weight gain, enhances energy metabolism and mimics and augments exercise.
  4. Mice treated with NMN also had stronger muscles and bones.  Interestingly, the 513 genes that cause loss of muscle and bone density with aging were all suppressed with NMN.

Diabetes & Vision

  1. NMN improves insulin sensitivity and eye function with no toxicity.
  2. Mice on NMN showed much better insulin sensitivity.  Better insulin sensitivity means less diabetes.
  3. Exogenous (external) NMN prevents photoreceptor degeneration and restores vision.
  4. Older mice were even less likely to suffer from dry eyes.
  5. Surprisingly, just one dose of NMN normalized impaired glucose tolerance.
  6. Administering NMN, can be an effective intervention to treat of diet- and age-induced Type 2 Diabetes.
Nmn Vascular 60 Caps V2

Nmn Vascular 60 Caps V2


How much NMN should I take?


Recommended daily dosages of sublingual NMN are at least 400 mg.  The FDA suggests that a 68kg human would require about 560mg per day.   Dr David Sinclair (Harvard Medical) has stated he takes 1,000mg daily.


Human beings absorb approximately 20% of the nutrients we ingest through our digestive system.  Sublingual delivery works by avoiding first pass of the digestive system, and NMN and NAD⁺ are absorbed directly into the bloodstream.

Measurement of Powder

We supply a small, individually wrapped, measuring spoon.  Each level scoop holds approximately 165mg of NMN.

To prevent contamination, do not keep the scoop in the bottle.  It is best to keep the measuring scoop separate from the product.  Wash spoon after each use.  Each spoon is individually wrapped and follows pharmaceutical guidelines.

What is the difference between NMN Raw and NMN Capsules?

Recent (2018) research has shown NMN and NR are also mostly digested by the stomach and liver.

NMN and NR capsules are only partially digested in the stomach, but are almost totally metabolized in the liver and excreted as NAM (Liu, 2018).  (Source)

NMN, NR and NAD+ have low molecular weight and are hydrophilic, meaning they easily interact with water.  Thus NMN, NR and NAD+ can be absorbed through the capillaries under the tongue directly into the bloodstream.

The NR molecule is not stable by itself.  Therefore, NR manufacturers add Chloride to make it stable.   ALL NR sold is actually Nicotinamide Riboside CHLORIDE    A by-product of using Chloride is the taste, making NR unacceptable for sublingual (under the tongue) use.

So NR is only available in capsule form, which much passes through the stomach and liver where it is metabolized to the less effective Nicotinamide (Liu, 2018).

Sublingual delivery of NAD+ and NMN allows them to bypass the liver and Gastro-Intestinal tract.   (Source).

Sublingual delivery of NMN overcomes the bioavailability problem of capsules that get digested in the stomach and greatly improves the effectiveness of NMN.

FAR more increase of NAD+ from NMN

Homeostasis refers to the ability of the body or a cell to seek and maintain a condition of equilibrium or stability within its internal environment when dealing with external changes.

Although NR and NMN are very similar in their effect on NAD+ levels from a single dose, homeostasis appears to impact NR much more quickly than NMN, impacting its ability to maintain increased levels of NAD+.

Is NMN Safe?

NMN is found in foods such as broccoli, cabbage, cucumber, edamame and avocado.  Studies have shown that NMN is Non-toxic.

NMN is available in vegetables, mushrooms, meat, and shrimp but trying to obtain sufficient through diet alone would be problematic.  Studies dosages have been about 50mg – 250mg.   The FDA suggests that a 68kg human would require about 560mg per day.   The difficulty is that you would have to eat about 45kgs of edamame, 816kgs of broccoli, or similarly impossible amounts of cucumber, cabbage, avocado, tomato, mushrooms, raw beef, or shrimp.

Mice can’t have all the fun, of course, so human studies (conducted in Tokyo’s Keio University School of Medicine and the Washington University School of Medicine) are currently in progress (concluding June 1st, 2020) to determine change in insulin sensitivity, and to determine change in beta-cell function over the course of two years with NMN supplementation.

Researchers also expect to gather results on control of blood sugar, dilation of blood vessels, changes in both blood lipid and body fat levels, and changes in the markers for cardiovascular disease.

As of July 2019, there are the following human studies into NMN:-

The first human trials of NMN commence in Sept 2016 in Japan and found and found NMN was safe and effectively metabolized in healthy men without causing any significant deleterious effects.  Thus, the oral administration of NMN was found to be feasible, implicating a potential therapeutic strategy to mitigate aging-related disorders in humans.

Subsequent human studies have been undertaken.  Dr David Sinclair complete his phase I study and is now commencing Phase II.  If there were safety issue identified in Phase I then Phase II would not go ahead or would be delayed.

Capsules and Raw NMN have been tested in an Australian NATA Accredited Laboratory.  Refer to photos for Laboratory results.

Early Results of Human Trials For Anti-Aging Drug Are Promising

David Sinclair of Harvard University has been working toward a molecular fountain of youth.  Finding previous success in mice, early human trials have begun in small studies around the globe.  Preliminary results of these studies indicate that the treatments are safe and do not induce major adverse side effects, but it is still far too early to tell if the treatments will actually be effective at reversing aging in humans.

A normal part of human aging involves senescence, which is a general wearing out of the body over time. Muscles begin to lose tone and become inflamed over time, and they also can develop insulin resistance.  Without being able to use insulin, the cells aren’t able to uptake the glucose needed for activity.  These problems contribute to why many elderly people have trouble getting around and athletes aren’t able to sustain certain levels of activity as they age.

Last December, Sinclair’s group published a paper in Cell revealing that they had been able to drastically reduce the functional “age” of muscle tissue.  Treating the mice with the metabolic co-enzyme NAD+ effectively reversed the aging process within the skeletal muscle by increasing muscle tone and producing effects similar to eating a healthy diet and exercising.

Over time, NAD+ levels decrease, which limits the cells’ ability to produce ATP in the mitochondria for energy. As the mice grew older and less active, their levels of NAD+ had basically been cut in half.  By replenishing this critical compound in the mice, their muscles had been rejuvenated. The natural process that deteriorates skeletal muscle is the same one that affects the heart.

If the relative effects that were seen in the mice could be replicated in humans, it would result in a 60-year-old with the physique of a 20-year-old.  The human studies that began this year following a period of financial uncertainty are initially only auditing the treatment’s safety, by taking stock of all side effects that could occur and identify negative interactions with other medications.  The first studies have been fairly small, but will continue to grow.

Results from human studies that explore the treatment’s efficacy will not appear for a few more years, though Sinclair is optimistic.  He told ABC that this treatment has the potential to allow individuals to lead long, healthy lives.  He described the potential of his anti-aging therapy to one day be regarded similarly and ubiquitously as antibiotics.

“Some people say it’s like playing God, but if you ask somebody 100 years ago, what about antibiotics?  They probably would have said the same thing,” he told ABC’s Sue Lannin.  “Some people worry about big advances in technology and medicine, but once it’s adapted and it’s natural for people to live until they’re 90 in a healthy way … we’ll look back at today like we do at the times before antibiotics when people died from an infected splinter.”

Anti-Aging Results with NMN

Research studies have been published showing benefits of NR and NMN supplementation in various disease and illness, with much overlap in their effects.  However, the most dramatic results have been those showing old mice that look and perform the same as young mice.

Below are the three studies that made the biggest splash’s about the potential for reversing aging by restoring NAD+ to youthful levels.

Sinclair 2013  

Mills Long term Study 2016

Sinclair 2018  

These have ALL been accomplished using NMN.

There have been NO studies with NR showing comparable improvements in strength, endurance, vascularity, and muscle growth, with normal, healthy subjects.

There are successful studies with NR where mice are genetically modified to replicate disease models.

Current belief are that is not a coincidence, but a result of the homeostasis effect with NR that limits its long term effectiveness.

What are the benefits of NMN?

The health benefits under investigation strongly suggest that there are significant benefits to be derived from NMN supplementation, which, even if they do not extend life expectancy, should result in improved quality of life with fewer illnesses and declines in our body’s organs.

You may still only live to age 80, however your “healthspan” will be better with stronger bones, more energy, better eyesight, improved vascular system, improved insulin sensitivity and a clearer functioning brain.  Giving you a much more enjoyable life, free from debilitating diseases usually associated with aging.

If life is extended, then you can remain active and healthy for as long as possible.

If your lifespan is not extended, instead of spending the last 10 to 20 years being sick, you can continue to function normally until you reach the very end, still in good health, or at worst, only in poor health for a short period, rather than decades.

FAR more increase of NAD+ from NMN

Homeostasis refers to the ability of the body or a cell to seek and maintain a condition of equilibrium or stability within its internal environment when dealing with external changes.

Although NR and NMN are very similar in their effect on NAD+ levels from a single dose, homeostasis appears to impact NR much more quickly than NMN, impacting its ability to maintain increased levels of NAD+.

Restore-U uses the new micronised NMN.

To improve the stability of NMN internally, researchers creatively developed a new NMN with orderly and compact microscopic arrangement, and exclusively launched a new generation of high-density NMN.

Compared with the sawtooth structure of first generation NMN product, the second generation NMN has three incomparable advantages:

  1. Stronger stability and longer shelf life. The NMN spatial arrangement of new NMN form is more orderly and compact, effectively blocking the contact with free water in the air, greatly increasing the stability of NMN and extending the shelf life of the product.  Contrary to the novel NMN microscopic arrangement, the first generation sawtooth structure shows more disorder and incompact, thus every molecule will get more exposure to air and absorb more water.
  2. Higher density, more stable dosage and flexible formulation. NMN with an orderly and compact microscopic arrangement has higher bulk density and fluidity, which avoids unstable dosage due to raising dust in the process of preparation.  What’s more, it will affect uniform dosage of capsules.  Meanwhile, since it has better fluidity, the second generation NMN can help reduce the production period and the manufacturing cost during the production.
  3. Well-controlled pH, water content. Furthermore, unsuitable acid or alkali conditions will break the electric balance of the inner slat skeleton, so pH value is one key factor to improve the stability.  Researchers initially found that regulation of pH can control the internal NMN structure and his team has worked out one golden standard of pH that can enhance NMN’s Internal structure.  In addition, the team well controls water content with no less than 1%.  If NMN originally holds a small content of water, the stability will also be greatly improved.



These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We make no guarantee this product will work the same for everyone.  Always consult with your healthcare provider before taking this or any dietary supplement.


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